Art-Net DMX Bidirectional Converter
    Publish time 2020-09-30 10:41    

Art-Net DMX Bidirectional Converter 

Product Features:
• Art-Net™ DMX bidirectional converter, supports the latest Art-Net™ 4 protocol Art-Net™ universes。
• 2 Ethernet ports with Ethernet switch function, 4 RJ45 DMX ports, it takes up to 4.
• With 3.5" LCD screen and a touch control pen for easy & simple configuration.
• Recorder function allows the device to record programs such as color sequences and save them into SD card.
• 4 universes record simultaneously, high speed recording with 40FPS frame rate.
• PlayBack function allows the device to play the recorded programs under standalone mode.
• TaskManage function allows the device to create up to 10 scheduled tasks to play the recorded programs.
• TaskManage function works under standalone mode with no Art-Net™ supported PC software required.
• One ArtNet supported PC software is enough for multiple projects which will save much costs.
• The PC software can be just used for Recorder function, all projects can run programs under standalone mode.
• Provides a reliable, highly customizable network infrastructure for complex control systems
• Compatible with popular Art-Net™ supported software including Madrix, Sunlite, Luminair, DMX workshop, etc.

Product Data:

Wiring Diagram:

Data Sheet Download:

SR-2100ArtNet-DMX(Record and Play) Data Sheet

Product Video:
Coming soon